
Privacy statement


Organization: MVC
Contact: Marjan Venema
Basis: permission and executing agreement
Data is sent to: newsletter service (Sendfox), calendar service (Tidycal)
Location of data: not specified, in view of business location of services used: outside the EU
Retainment of data: user- and event-data – 2 months; aggregated (and therefore anonymized) data – indefinitely
Rights: right of correction and deletion (the latter also means termination of service provision by MVC)
Complaints: contactformulier of mail


This site uses Google Analytics to analyze its traffic. It sets a first party cookie to make this possible, meaning the cookie is set by this site.

Google Analytics configuration

I’ve set up Google Analytics to protect your privacy as best as possible while still giving me the information I need to optimize the relevance of this site’s content to its readers.

To be precise, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is set:

  • NOT to collect granular location and device data. It will collect region and country-level metadata in order to support regional privacy policies and region-based Analytics settings.
  • NOT to allow for ads personalization.
  • to retain user-level and event-level data for a maximum of 2 months after your last activity on this site (the minimum possible in GA4 configuration). Aggregated (and therefore anonymized) data is retained indefinitely.
  • NOT to use Google Signals — in other words Google Signals data collection is disabled even if you’re signed in to a Google account and you’ve allowed Google to personalize ads.
  • to report identities using observed data only to identify visitors — as you don’t have to create a user account to use this site and Google Signals has been disabled, this means GA only recognizes you as the same visitor by the id of the device you use to visit this site.

Privacyverklaring specifiek voor Nederland

Organisatie: MVC
Contactpersoon: Marjan Venema
Grondslagen: toestemming en uitvoeren overeenkomst
Gegevens gaan naar: nieuwsbrief dienst (Sendfox), agenda dienst (Tidycal)
Locatie gegevens: niet gespecificeerd, gezien vestigingsadres gebruikte diensten: buiten de EU
Bewaartermijn: gebruikers- en activiteit-data – 2 maanden; geaggregeerde (en dus geanonimiseerde) data – onbepaalde tijd
Rechten: recht van correctie en van verwijdering (laatste betekent ook beƫindiging dienstverlening door MVC)
Klachten: contactformulier of mail
Verplichting verstrekken gegevens: geen – let wel: verstrekt u geen gegevens, dan kan ik u ook niet van dienst zijn
Geautomatiseerde besluitvorming: geen

AVG verwerkingsregister